Create Your Catalog

This guide will walk you through how to implement your catalog. When you're finished, your catalog will be ready.

Manual Import


You Need
Complete Design Your Catalog; have your price-book/price-list; if using Events-based billing know your data structure

Configure The Basics

All catalog building starts with the same basic building blocks. We’ll walk you through these first.

1. Determine Component Types
In your Model from Design Your Catalog, you have a diagram. If your diagram contains Components, determine which component types to use.

Component Type

Best for


for any usage-based items that are basic, and billed in arrears


for any usage-based items that are advanced, and/or have a multi-attribute rating system, and/or you have big data, and billed in arrears


for any usage-based items that are advanced, and billed upfront


for any recurring items with a quantity of 0, 1, 2+

Quantity-based One-time

for any non-recurring items with a quantity of 0, 1, 2+


for any recurring items with a quantity of 0 or 1


Optional - Add Multiple Currencies
If you need to add more currencies, follow these steps.


  1. Add a Currency   Help
    1. Go to Config > Settings > Multi-Currency.
    2. Click Add a Currency.
    3. Select which currency, and choose the Conversion type.

  2. Save
    Your currency is added. Repeat steps for any additional currencies.
Optional - Configure Events-based Billing For Developers
If you will be using Events-based components, enable Events-based billing (EBB).


  1. Enable EBB
    1. Go to Config > Settings > Events-Based Billing. *If you do not see the Events-Based Billing menu option, Maxio Customer Support needs to enable it for you.
    2. Toggle to On, and click Save Settings.
    3. Refresh the page, and the left hand menu will now contain an Events section.

  2. Create Stream   Help
    Go to Events > Streams > New Event Stream. Your stream creates a unique Events API endpoint, so your company can stream data into Advanced Billing.

    Stream Name: enter a name that describes your data stream
    API Handle: auto-filled
    Description: optional 
    Subscription Identifier
    : how your event data is mapped to a subscription. Most common is the "Other" option, so you can use an existing field that is already present in your data. In the example image below, we'll use "account_id" to represent a field that is in our data.

    All of these fields are internal-facing only.


  3. Create your JSON and stream a sample API call
    Your newly created Stream will now show you an API call, similar to the below example (code block 2). In this step, you'll want to populate your real data schema into Advanced Billing. You must know your data structure.

    1. Structure your data structure like code block 1
    2. Structure the API call like code block 2 (this will now contain your data structure)
    3. Copy/paste the curl command into your terminal
    4. Refresh your stream page, and your data structure will be populated.
    5. Optional - If you need to repeat this, keep in mind it takes ~10 minutes for the structure to refresh within Advanced Billing

    Code Block 1
      "body": "Hi there",
      "count": 1,
      "from": "+15017122661",
      "to": "+15558675310",
      "from_country": "US",
      "to_country": "US",
      "characters": 8,
      "account_id": "acct_123456"

    Code Block 2

    // after replacing, copy/paste into terminal
    // then, refresh streams page in Chargify 
    curl \
    -u APIKEY:x \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{ 
      "body": "Hi there",
      "count": 1,
      "from": "+15017122661",
      "to": "+15558675310",
      "from_country": "US",
      "to_country": "US",
      "characters": 8,
      "account_id": "acct_123456"
  4. Create a Metric   Help 
    1. After you make the call from Step 3, refresh the page in Advanced Billing. You'll now see the Metrics Page.
    2. Click Create New Metric.
    3. When you're done click Create Metrics.

    In the example below, we create a metric called SMS Messages, that uses an analysis type of `sum` on the target property of `count` in our data. In other words, sum up all the messages. We then add segmenting attributes of `from_country`and `to_country` because we want to charge different rates based on the countries. You will define these rates when you create your actual component.


  5. Finished
    EBB is now configured. If you need more Streams (less likely), repeat steps 2-3. If you need more Metrics in an existing Stream (more likely), repeat step 4.

Optional - Prepare for Subscription Migration
If you are planning on a subscription migration, you’ll want to add API handles when creating your Products, Product Price Points, Components, and Component Price Points. If you are building the catalog inside Advanced Billing, just be sure you fill in basic handle fields. If you are importing, just make sure you add a handle in your import files. 

Optional - Add a trademark to your item names
If you own a trademark or similar, you may want to denote that on your line item.

Example - trademark symbol on an Advanced Billing invoice.

How it works
Symbols work if you copy paste them directly. The example above uses this:
Line Item Name Here™®

Import Your Catalog Smart templates Docs

If your implementation strategy from Getting Started question 1 is an import, use the resources below.

1. Get your smart template

  1. Open the Catalog Smart Templates   Open Templates

  2. Clone the Smart Templates into your Google Account
    When you open the Catalog Smart Templates in Google, click File > Make a copy.

    *Do not fill out your template in Excel. Fill it out in Google Drive.*
2. Fill in your catalog data
Use the catalog template documentation to guide you. This explains what each column represents.


3. Advanced Billing performs the import(s)
Advanced Billing’s Onboarding Team will run the import for you.


4. You confirm the results
Fix any errors as needed. Repeat steps 3 and 4, until the final catalog is ready.
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