Product Editing

When creating and editing a product, the ability to set certain number of options will be present:

  • Price
  • Recurring period
  • Initial/setup fee
  • Trial type
  • Tax settings
  • Address requirement
  • many, more - please continue reading!

Some of these options are stored on the product level, and some are stored on the product price point level. See the Product Price Points documentation for more information.

Creating a new product

Editing an existing product

Product/Plan Name

Give the product a name. Be clear and specific in your naming conventions if there are multiple products of the same similar name structure.

API Handle

Used to specify a unique identifier for this product that you can use in API calls. This can help when moving between test and live environments, so there is no need to change the product IDs in your code.

Accounting Code

The accounting code is not used internally by Advanced Billing. A value may be entered here to correspond with the needs of an accounting platform.


The description will be shown on the Public Signup Pages, if chosen to use them.

Require Payment Method

This option displays whether or not the credit card must be present in order for any signup attempt to be valid. This option affects both the Public Pages and API. Even the API is in use for an integration, if the ability to create a subscription without an associated credit card is wanted, then this slider will ned to remain unchecked.

NOTE: Creating subscriptions without a credit card will only currently work if there is a zero amount due at signup. Advanced Billing will not create a subscription with a positive balance.

Enable Taxes for this Product 

This option allows the product to charge a tax. Be sure to configure the taxes from the taxes tab, after the configuration a product.

Tax Type

Unless specified at the component level, the tax type for the product is applied to all components in a customer’s order. Select or fill in the appropriate tax for the type of product offered. This is especially important when using the Avalara service to tax based on locale.

Select the type of tax to apply to the product

Avalara Tax Settings

If there is uncertainty on which Avalara tax code relates to a product, the View List of Tax Codes link is listed to the side to view Avalara’s tax code search page.

If the Avalara tax codes are in use, occasionally there will be situations where tax is only charged on a percentage of the total amount taxable. If there are questions about using a particular tax code in Advanced Billing, and why the tax amount is not as expected -- please double check how much of the purchase qualifies for taxing.

Require a Shipping or Billing Address

Like the credit card settings described above, the “request” option controls the Public Page while the “require” option controls all subscription creations.

  • Require Billing Address: Marking this box will require a billing address to be provided when a subscriber attempts to purchase a product. Please note this only applies to sign-up behavior.
  • Request on Self-Service Page: Checking this box will require that a subscriber input their billing address when updating their credit card on the self-service page only. This is especially useful when you have AVS (Address Verification Service) controls enabled at your gateway.
  • Require Shipping Address: Marking this box will require that a subscriber provide a full shipping address when purchasing a product. Please note this only applies to sign-up behavior.

Enable URL and Return Parameter Fields

The subscriber will be redirected to this URL after successfully updating their card on file via the Self-Service Page. Please do not confuse this setting with the redirect after successful signup page.

Return parameters after account update

These fields apply specifically to the Self-Service Page which customers can use to update their payment information. This allows them to define a URL, optionally with dynamic parameters, to which the Self-Service Page will redirect after a successful credit card update.

For the corresponding fields relating to Public Signup Pages, please see Return URL and Parameters.

In addition, Public Pages Intro discusses the integration use-cases for these values concerning Public Signup Pages.

Configure return URL options after successful account update
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