- hyperlinks to Maxio help documentation target new window
- updated field label for Subscription object to "Next Billing Amount" to better reflect the behavior that this is the amount that will be billed upon the next invoicing event
- refresh of Data Validation Report branding and quick reference link to current data validation report
- loading icon when submitting a new Maxio AB Site
- minor inline help documentation corrections
- allows additional domains for European hosted instances of maxio: ebilling.maxio.com
- allows additional domain for Maxio rebrand: billing.maxio.com
- product assigment in salesforce for subscription_product_change event
- net terms attribute on subscription preview object
- invoice collection method attribute on subscription preview object
- ability to search contacts within wizard when account/contact is not yet synced to Maxio AB
- new wizard for opportunity (Upgrade Components) where is possible to update components quantity and see prorated values, only prorated values are added to opportunity (needs to be enabled vi console)
- display ID of existing preview when user try to create preview for the same subscription
- mapping of unit_balance for EBB components, to get value it need to be enabled vi future flag on Maxio AB side
- fix for permissions where user was not able to access ChargifyJS key
17.November 2023
- public offer generated URL is now addtionally saved on Opportunity or Preview level in new field
- wraping of longer text valus in product and component selection popups for wizards
- fix for lighting component to update account sync status were it was not working in some cases
- fixes related to rebranding
- public offer - fix for issue when credit card was incorrectly not required
- public offer - fix issue when sometimes incorrect interval is displayed
- product expiration in price details for wizards
- ability to create upgrade subscription preview when other preview for the same subscription is canceled
- cancel subscription previews when opportunity is close lost (option in configuration)
- public offer - increased timeout for group API to 90s
- next billing field on subscription preview
- sync of accounting code for component to salesforce products (maxio code field)
- display accounting code in wizard for component and product popups (this needs to be enabled in the configuration
- subscription section) - disable "Cancel at end of period" for past due subscriptions + additional message to the user
- ability to use credit cards from Maxio payments in wizards
- show error codes when integration do not respond with valid error text
- public offer - direct debit for Maxio payments
- custom fields for subscriptions new layout and handling of custom fields
- custom fields integration - handle American date format from Maxio AB
- events integration - message text is concatenated to 255 to prevent issues when value is longer then 255
- ability to create subscriptions with expiration date (needs to be enabled in configuration)
- ability to update expiration date for existing subscriptions (needs to be enabled in configuration)
- [feature flag, need to be enabled via console] - ability to provide interval and interval unit for components (mulifrequency site)
- [feature flag, need to be enabled via console] - display interval and interval unit for components (mulifrequency site)
- fix scenario when product integration may crash when CPQ integration is enabled
- public offer - fix encoding of special characters
- update to sequence of callouts for subscription upgrade wizards, now coupons are sent before components (for old previews, sequence will not change)
- sync of interval and interval unit to salesforce product catalog from Maxio AB components
- public offer - improved error handling related to gateway selection/setup
- now edit/upgrade wizard use default settings from Maxio AB regarding component charge settings
- public offer - fix for address that was always required
- public offer - address 2 field is now optional
- public offer - now coupon description is displayed instead of coupon name for single preview and coupon code instead of coupon name for multiple previews
- public offer - fix issue with special characters that causing issues
- public offer - updates related to spinner when something is updated
- fix for billing portal action on subscription for copy link button
- ability to edit subscriptions with archived products
- rebranding to Maxio AB
- public offer - allow awaiting signup and next billing at for offers generated from opportunity
- public offer - fix for table alignment for longer values
- public offer - fix for billing address tax calculation that in some cases was passing incomplete address
- fix for invoice public url action that was not working correctly in the classic UI
- new preload visual force pages that can be added to layouts (account, opportunity, subscription, preview) to improve performance when action is triggered by user for the first time, for new installations it’s already added to subscriptions and preview layouts
- other technical fixes
- public offer - fixed a problem where calendar billing was not sent to Maxio AB when the offer was generated from the opportunity
- public offer - allow awaiting signup for offers generated from a single preview
- public offer - display First Billing for Awaiting Signup
- public offer - for Awaiting Signup and Next Billing At expiration date for URL is now by default limited to activation datetime
- public offer - VFP added missing permissions, fixed spelling issue
- wizard for new subscription additional information what will happen for groups
- additional error handling for link customer
- wizard label update for prepaid components
- other technical fixesV3.217
- ChargifyJS - ability to use security token with limits
- ChargifyJS - improved error handling in case security token is enabled and private key is not provided to salesforce
- fix issues with opportunity amount calculation from wizards in case of metered components
- ability to include product interval for opportunity amount formula calculation
- fix issues with total for Quote PDF
- fix issues with Opportunity amount calcuation from upgrade wizard when difference of value is enabled
- fix issue with configuration page where multipliers for opportunity amount are always displayed as 1
- fix for brackets quantity when number is large
- fix for lead mapping formula to make it depended from site as it was not possible to convert non chargify lead after mapping
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - generate PDF from COSP template for Opportunity
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - after place order we save it as PDF
- description field for creation wizard (it needs to be enabled in configuration)
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - handle situation when account do have contact
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - fix for consent formatting
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - use of Chargify.JS fields for address
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - handle situation when someone put slash at the end of URL setup for template
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - maxio payments with Credit Cards
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - pricing details (checkbox on template)
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - ACH for multiple subscriptions
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - billing state error
- ability to clone subscription preview under opportunity
- fix for reference Id that is not send with new subscription when custom fields are not setup
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - API endpoint update to reflect changes on Chargify end
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - fix for bogus gateways for new sites
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - ACH and direct debit payment types
- new field for Accounts/Leads ""Verified for ACH""
- new/edit subscription wizard layout changes to accomodate more fields
- new subscription wizard changes to payment collection options - now we have drop down with description
- wizards selection popup scaling for smaller screen resolutions
- wizards payment profile selection now display latested not expired profiles on top
- chargify event log retention period is now 90 days (records will be removed automatically after 90 days instead of 30)
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - ability to use custom pricing for multiple subscriptions offer pages
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - handle Who Pays and groups
- automatic refresh of Account/Contact sync status
- new subscription attributes related to groups (Group UID, Group Primary, Primary Subscription - Lookup, Chargify Primary Subscription Id) - this require resync of subscriptions otherwise for old records those files stay empty,
- manage groups - display error message to user when Chargify returns 404
- manage groups - update all subscription related to group after creation/modification of a group
- fix navigation in configuration after user click resync
- fix CC Emails field length for account Object
- fix wizards navigation for sales console
- fix error for opportunity activation in case package was installed on environment with Salesforce CPQ and salesforce CPQ was not enabled in configuration
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - fix error that appears sometimes when user open link for multiple subscriptions
- ability to update in Salesforce Reference ID for subscriptions
- additional validation for wizards to handle faulty sites
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - fix for disappearing coupon info
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - fix for date format for link generation
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - for multiple subscriptions now we send JS token together with subscription creation callout
- fix for Link Chargify customer for error handling in case of faulty sites
- fix for error handling for subscription group creation
- fix for configuration page navigation issue after clicking Resync button
- fix issue with invoice collection methods visibility for wizards when customer is not send to Chargify
- new logo (becoming Maxio) for new installations, for existing installations new logo for configuration page
- display information for wizards that credit card already expired
- fix for error handling for wizard in case of invalid coupons
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - validation of expiration date that need to be earlier when next billing at is set
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - block link creation for awaiting signup previews
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - fix for issue where user see error in case subscription preview was created from Chargify Offer
- validation whether integration is scheduled when user click resync
- fix for issue with edit wizard when special characters existing in coupon code causing connection error
- fix error that appear when user try to edit subscription preview with offer
- support for ""awaiting signup"" and ""awaiting signup"" with calendar billing for wizards
- rename of ""todays"" to ""initial"" for preview and configuration to match also awaiting signup scenario
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - additional validations regarding billing address
- Custom Offer Signup Pages for multiple subscriptions - limit to 10 subscriptions
- Custom Offer Signup Pages do not allow multiple subscriptions when custom pricing was used (API limitation)
- statements based billing fix for available payment methods for wizards
- include tax for custom pricing
- custom pricing access control, after enabling in configuration user need to have assigned permission set called Chargify_allow_custom_pricing
- checkbox custom price applied for subscription previews to indicate that custom pricing was in use
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - tax calculation based on billing address
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - prepopulate billing address from Account Billing Address if exists or from Account Shipping Address
- fix for sync executed after actions where some of events and transactions type were missing
- payment profile - handle security token for configuration Chargify.js
- fix for configuration defaults under opportunity (""Block closing Opportunity ..."" )
- Subscription Preview - validations for Preview Quote, Generate Quote, Generate Quote URL to check whether preview was created from wizard
- exclude invoice sync after wizard completion for SBB sites
- hide invoice type for subscription wizard for SBB sites
- changes to Account/Contact validations for Customer Id and Site fields to enforce more data integrity, now site need to be created first on account level to be able to select contact as Chargify Contact
- Custom Offer Signup Pages - new button for opportunity that allows to create offer for multiple subscriptions
- subscription actions for Statement Based Billing sites: Adjust Balance, Add Charge, Record External Payment, Record External Refund
- allow 10 digits zip codes for public signup pages card information
- display message for public signup pages when credit card is not required
- fixes for error handling when user click manage groups
- do not allow to select expired payment profile for wizards
- fixes for Next Billing validations for wizards
- user friendly message when subscription preview was not created for wizards and user tries to edit or activate it
- handle customer deletion from Chargify - now we remove automatically Chargify Customer Id/Site from related records in salesforce and populate on Account level Chargify Deleted At field
- handling situation when customer was deleted from Chargify and user try to use wizard to create subscription
- discount for CPQ - after enabling this in configuration we populate discount amount for each CPQ quote line item
- record types for opportunity upgrade
- custom pricing for prepaid components (currently multi-currency do not work correctly)
- custom pricing option in configuration (previously it need to be able vi console)
- new option in configuration that allows to disabling adding of coupon products to opportunity and CPQ
- we do not allow to edit subscription in suspended state as it will cause error at later stage
- new page for classing/popup for lighting for subscription selection for upgrade under opportunity
- now for most of functionality in lighting we refresh data dynamically without refreshing whole page
- fix for incorrect setup fee added to opty we coupon is selected and only setup is enabled in configuration
- test class to validate after package validation whether there is any problem with record creation for standard objects
- by default custom pricing is disabled for prepaid subscriptions but we allow to enable it vi console
- include tab for subscriptions components
- fix for public signup pages to prevent duplication of subscriptions
- Custom Pricing for Subscription Wizards (currently only available for early access customers)
- SFDC public offer forms have the flexibility to omit credit card
- SDFC public offer forms contain the details of the product
- Sync events immediately after subscription action occurs
- fix currency symbol discrepancy in wizard
- daily resync for subscription components that use site exchange rates ("Advanced Billing handle conversion" on site setting per currency)
- omit invoices for statement based billing sites
- warning in configuration under invoices section for statement based billing sites
- include new event types in configuration ("custom_field_value_change", "subscription_prepayment_account_balance_changed", "subscription_service_credit_account_balance_changed")
- for prepaid subscriptions allow to select product with any price-point that meets criteria
- fix to prevent cancellation when subscription is part of a group
- other technical fixes
- public offer multi-language, locale and time zone settings
- public offer other small UI fixes
- subscription wizards price details for product/component selection
- subscription wizards now usage/quantity popup display component type in header
- MRR for subscriptions
- public offer - ability to specify consent and require acceptance to submit subscription, we also capture that information on preview level
- retry action for subscriptions
- quantity validation for upgrade wizard
- public offers, additional errors handling
- public offers, now payment profile is only created when subscription is successfully created
- public offer updates to configuration page
- mapping of additional fields for products: interval, interval unit
- mapping of additional fields for components: unit_name
- fixes for site configuration (sometimes missing primary currency, incorrect message when currencies do not match)
- public offer signup pages
- replication of vault token for subscriptions paid with bank account
- automatic opportunity closure when subscription from the offer is activated
- handle actions when a subscription is deleted
- fix for permission check for closed/won opty that may not work correctly in some situations
- rename of some triggers to use always trigger suffix
- public release of components synchronization (need to be enabled in the configuration)
- cost information for components (EBB components are not supported regarding cost information)
- deletion of old components when the family is changed during the subscription upgrade process
- additional attributes for subscription replication: Product Family Id
- additional attributes for product replication: taxable, product_price_point_id, product_price_point_name
- additional attributes for components replication: taxable, recurring, default_price_point_name, default_price_point_id
- fix for subscription recursion detection - it was detected incorrectly when more than 200 records were updated in one batch
- changes to subscription rematch, now rematch process only records that were updated within last 6 months (it is possible to set up different period from console)
- reorganization of apex jobs to allow new features and better processing of data
- order of record processing for events and transactions now is ascending
- handle deletion of subscriptions from Advanced Billing (in salesforce subscription state is updated to "deleted" and also integration populates subscription deleted at the field)
- now we autodetect whether the package is installed on non-production org and use a workaround for queued jobs
- fix for currency code for invoice line items
- credit information for invoices
- old deprecated DateTime fields are removed from the package !!!
(CHRGFYNG__Issue_date__c,CHRGFYNG__Paid_date__c,CHRGFYNG__Due_date__c) - now integration only use the latest version of invoice from invoice events API to update data in salesforce - applicable if someone uses resync
- additional fixes for communities navigation
- fix for new payment issue with a custom domain
- fixes for communities
- fixes for components to show data in real-time for invoices, events, transactions, notes
- because of API performance issues sync of subscriptions components was disabled by default and need to be enabled via the console, it should be resolved in the coming weeks including more functionality
- support for communities
- component to show data in real-time for invoices, events, transactions, notes
- rename of "recurring" to "next" in wizards and configuration
- fix for activation to prevent situations when it's possible to the active subscription when integration is disabled
- replication of subscription components - it will not work correctly when "do not sync trailing subscriptions" is enabled in the configuration, support for that will come with the next releases
- sync of subscription components after subscription activation, subscription creation, when sync button is clicked
- display user-friendly message when the subscription was deleted from Advanced Billing and the user try to edit it in salesforce
- log warning information to Advanced Billing event log when merchant custom automation process update custom fields on subscription object and it's triggered by Advanced Billing inbound integration
- we do not support outbound integration triggered from inbound integration when this is the same SFDC transaction
- send email feature with Quote PDF attached
- configuration page section for CPQ Extension
- configuration page UI updates/descriptions/alignments
- allocation history configurable columns
- validations in subscriptions wizards
- UI improvements for subscription activation wizard
- prepaid Subscriptions are now supported in the Wizard
- (need to be enabled via the console for new subscriptions)
- currently, the default price point needs to be zero otherwise it will be not possible to select a product
- new invoice collection type
- new parameters related to prepaid subscriptions
- filtering of products, components, and price points not applicable for prepaid subscriptions
- additional validations
- fix for payment profile popup size to remove scroll when not required
- fix for error handling in custom fields - now when subscription does not exist and custom field is deleted error is not logged
- additional attributes (quantities) for global Quote controller
- improvements regarding validations for Site Config object
- fix for automatic opportunity closure to handle properly Cancelled previews (CPQ functionality)
- when the user does not have Advanced Billing Permission assigned and sending previews for opportunity closure is
- enabled now package does not allow to change status to Closed/Won and throw an error message
- when integration is disabled and sending previews for opportunity closure is enabled now package
- do not allow to change status to Closed/Won and throw an error message
- fix for record access/issue with stuck previews from opportunity trigger when the user didn't have records access to subscription previews. When the user change opportunity status to Closed/Won and sending of previews for the opportunity
- the closure is enabled now package omits sharing rules for subscription previews
- (to perform action user need to have Advanced Billing Permission assigned what is validated)"
- fix for custom quote report sample, report controller/generation
- CPQ Integration (for now need to be enabled from Console, additional manual configuration required):
- Allow creating new Advanced Billing Subscription from Quote Line Editor,
- Allow upgrading Advanced Billing Subscriptions from Quote Line Editor,
- Allow editing Advanced Billing Subscription from Quote Line Editor
- Creation of CPQ product options to relate Products, Components, and Coupons
- PreIntegration report for product options
- Cloning of subscription preview when CPQ quote is cloned
- Activating only previews related to primary CPQ quote and canceling others
- Activating previews when selecting Flag (Send Subscriptions to Advanced Billing) on generated Order
- Validations to Advanced Billing subscription products added to CPQ Quote
- archived products/components and coupons are now deactivated in Salesforce
- issue date validations for OneTime Invoice
- changes for Lookups to Account and Contact for Advanced Billing objects to clear value instead of restricting deletion
- fix for integration jobs scheduler to prevent starting jobs when preintegration jobs are in progress
- fix for setup assistant related to starting integration jobs
- ui improvements for the financial component
- fix for failed transactions in the financial component
- ui improvements to allocation component
- fix for customer integration null reference error in case of matching by reference and email is enabled and email and reference are mixed between records
- Setup Assistant
- Financial Summary Component
- Who Pays for subscription preview where the customer is not sent yet to Advanced Billing
- fix for invoice integration to include invoice status changes
- fix for Invoice Payment action when invoice status is collections
- removed required filter for Advanced Billing Parent Account field (to not utilize lookup required filter limits per object)
- add validation to trigger to not allow to save record when not correct parent account is selected
- added additional validation to ProductFamily jobs to throwing an error when an incorrect price-book is selected for the site (for example it was selected in configuration and removed later)
- fix permission sets issue that may cause problems with subscription wizards
- use of paging for price points in wizards (implemented recently in Advanced Billing API)
- fix duplicate id in list apex job fatal error that may appear in some rare scenarios for customer integration
- allocation history (for Lightning new component that can be added to Page, for classic it has been added to existing VFP)
- improvements for activate all subscriptions under opty, now we display more details about records that we process
- more user friendly message when user try to create payment profile and ChargifyJS public key is not generated yet in Advanced Billing
- automatic change of opty to Closed Won when Trial Subscription gets Activated (It need to be enabled by configuration option under Opportunity section)
- sync of related objects (events, transactions, invoices) at the end of subscription wizard and during activation of single subscription from opportunity
- trigger that ensure uniqueness on Advanced Billing Subscription Link record that links Subscription with Opty when merchant try to create it manually or from Apex
- other smaller changes/improvements
- fix issue for customer to lead integration that may cause null pointer exception in case there are more then 2 lead records with the same email address
- fix issue for customer to account integration that may cause null pointer exception in case there are more then 2 contact records with the same email address or more then 2 account records with the same reference
- additional message when user click generate PDF second time and there is no change to Preview
- improvements for Activate all subscription preview button
- new way of handling data in popups for subscriptions wizards, now we preloading data and using search on browser side
- constraints for Advanced Billing Parent Account that allow to select parent account only from the same site when it’s already sent to Advanced Billing
- fix problem with Advanced Billing Parent Customer Id that in some cases was not populated when Advanced Billing Parent Account was selected
- fix for Account integration that was not triggered in case parent record was selected
- fix date parsing for subscription integration that may cause fatal error in case user date format is not US
- improvements for error handling in subscription wizard
- fix error for Record Payment action where internal error was displayed in case of paid invoice
- other technical fixes
- subscription wizards layout/spinner/ui improvements
- now app use by default ChargifyJS for payment profile creation (merchant need to generate chargify.js key to use it)
- ability to create one time invoices (new Action located on Subscription)
- added option to resync daily products and components (new configuration option under product section), this can be used in case merchant use multi currency and need to have currency prices up to date
- now resync button located on Subscription object sync also subscription custom fields
- fix overlap with utility bar for subscription wizards when user click edit subscription or edit subscription preview
- fix handling of Advanced Billing text custom fields value conversion to sfdc date/datetime fields for inbound integration
- after installation/when there is no sites now in configuration we display link to create trial account for Advanced Billing
- preintegration report for leads (preintegration report is generated according to leads configuration options)
- leads functionality is now publicly available
- ability to select contact within wizard for new account not integrated with Advanced Billing when there is more then one contact and none of those is marked as Advanced Billing Contact
- new attribute for subscriptions “Reference”
- for new subscriptions it’s possible now to populate reference field within wizard (need to be enabled by configuration option under subscription section)
- changes for labels related to PDF functionality, now object Advanced Billing Quote PDSs was renamed to Advanced Billing Quote History
- improvements to screen refresh in lighting after subscription is created or added to opportunity
- added tax amount to Advanced Billing Quote History
- possibility to create sharing rules based on Site ID. We added a new field “Advanced Billing Site ID” for all objects that can be selected for sharing rules criteria. For existing installations resync of all objects is required if merchant what to use it otherwise it will stay empty for existing records
- daily resync of products to keep currency exchange rates up to date if merchant use site currency rates (for now this is hidden setting that can be changed only vi console, we expose it to merchants in one of next releases)
- fix for preintegration report that was reporting account without updates when trailing customer functionality is enabled
- fix for resync button, now we check whether site is active and display proper message
- fix issue where custom fields for new subscriptions were not visible for users without admin rights
- some other technical fixes
- fix issue where custom fields for new subscriptions are not send to Advanced Billing
- fix issue where on/off components are not visible within Subscriptions wizards
- fix for issue when Display custom fields is enabled and there is no field mapping wizard crash
- fix for tax calculation for opportunity preview when customer is not send to Advanced Billing - previously tax was always zero in that case
- fix for issue that can cause unhandled exception when user do not have access to site record
- relabel of payment creation popup header
- additional message for preintegration report to inform user that none of sites are enabled so report will be not generated
- fix for preintegration report where user after confirming generate receive error that do not have access to record
- Leads functionality (for now need to be enabled vi console: custom settings -> feature_flag_1)
- new leads/lead matching for trailing subscriptions
- automatic lead conversion for active subscriptions
- new configuration section for leads with many options
- additional account/lead attributes to handle manual conversion
- new relation between subscriptions and leads
- important - manual conversion do not support custom fields for customers
- additional error handling for custom fields to show error per field
- fix to issue with customer integration that was omitting empty fields and do not clear values in Advanced Billing
- fix for issue when integration was not triggered sometimes to send account to chargify in scenario that account and contact was created in one transaction
- randomize the schedule of integration to ensure a more equal load on the Advanced Billing platform. Now when the user selects a schedule we create a random value from 0-14 that is always added to the schedule. This value is generated only once and saved to custom setting, so when integration is rescheduled again the same value will be added
- additional attributes for subscription: Payment_card_type, Payment_expiration_date, Payment_vault, Payment_verified (resync of subscriptions if required if this is upgrade)
- when synchronization is setup to sync only selected account and user uncheck “Sync To Advanced Billing” now we update status to information: “Sync Warning: Changes will be not Synced to Advanced Billing”
- where there is more then one contact marked as Advanced Billing Contact and merchant try to send account now we update status to error - it may happen when someone mark contact as Advanced Billing Contact and there will be no match by email for customer that is created by integration
- for person account enabled orgs for person account records fixed for integration to prevent a situation when integration try to create contact for person account where there is match by reference but no match by email. Now matching for person accounts use only reference id without email
- for person account enabled orgs for person account records fix for Account trigger that was throwing sometimes exception about invalid field
- fix for customer integration when salesforce receives from Advanced Billing two customer records with different reference ID-s but the same email addresses and matching by reference ID and email is enabled. Integration was reporting not correctly errors in that case.
- fix for customer integration matching logic that sometimes was not working correctly when Reference ID was lower case in one system and upper case in another
- ability to Link Account with Advanced Billing Customer by Reference Id from Salesforce. For Account Object we have new button “Link Advanced Billing Customer”, Account need to have populated Site and Advanced Billing Reference Id
- ability to select Advanced Billing Offer Link and copy it to clipboard (New button for Opportunity). If Account is not send to Advanced Billing and there is Advanced Billing Reference Id populated we also add reference as parameter to that link
- additional attributes for Subscription Preview: Total Tax and Recurring Tax
- additional error handling when subscription is activated. Now we log all DML errors to Advanced Billing Event Log. For example if Integration is not able to create link between subscription and Opty because trigger created by Marchant throw exception
- fix for possible null pointer exception when there is no update to subscription and upsert function is called
- possibility to populate custom fields within subscription wizard for new subscriptions (to see custom fields this need to be enabled by configuration option under subscription section and there need to be mapping for fields)
- calendar billing, possibility to select calendar billing for new subscriptions and update calendar billing day for existing ones
- new attribute for subscriptions: Snap_day (required resync otherwise it will be empty for records created with previous version of package)
- fix for possible issue of missing link to opty - additional code to handle conflict situation when incoming integration pull in record in the same time when it’s send by wizard
- fix for issue when upgrade preview is assigned as preview that created subscription when preview is send by trigger
- fix for issue when upgrade opty is assigned as opty that created subscription when preview is send by trigger
- fix for subscription activation for upgrade preview that was asking for payment details even if this is not required
- fix for multiple subscription activation when sometimes subscriptions stuck in status Queued to Send in case status for two opportunities was changes to closed/won and one of optys was for new customer
- custom fields for trailing customers/subscriptions - now when trailing customers/subscriptions are enabled we support custom fields integration
- changes to Account/Contact triggers (SFDC -> Advanced Billing integration) to better handling of merchant customizations, now for integration we always use final data after current transaction is closed
- changes to Account/Contact triggers to better reflect Integration Status, now when integrated fields are updated status is : “Sync Pending … “
- changes to Account/Contact triggers - now if any field related to Advanced Billing change we send complete set of data to Advanced Billing (previously we were sending only updated fields)
- changes to Account/Contact triggers now we allow to execute integration in Queueable context if no more then 30 records is updated in batch and there was no other future calls before
- changes to Account/Contact triggers for person accounts there is new validation that email need to be populated when site is selected
- fix for invoice dates fields: Issue Date, Due Date, Paid Date. Fields were incorrectly created as datetime instead of date which causes mismatch in date between systems when the user was set up in different time zones, new fields were created, existing ones were marked as deprecated. We keep old fields for a few releases and then remove it, because of those changes after installation invoices need to be resynced.
- new option to use custom fields for shipping address (Enable custom shipping fields for Account in configuration). After enabling it we do not use/update vanilla sfdc shipping fields and populate/use for integration new custom fields: CHRGFYNG__Advanced Billing_sh_…..
- default site in wizards if there is only one active site and account is not yet send to Advanced Billing
- ability to migrate Advanced Billing contact (new button on Contact layout). Only users with Advanced Billing Admin permission set or “Advanced Billing Contact Migration” custom permission is able to use it
- billing portal allow to resend email
- changes to validations for subscriptions wizards to allow create subscription without payment profile and automatic payment when there is zero charge
- additional attribute for Transactions: Success (transactions need be be resynced otherwise for old records it will be not checked)
- ability to map custom fields up to 2000 custom fields from Advanced Billing
- fix for custom fields mapping when customs fields where not visible in some situations
- when there is currency mismatch between Advanced Billing and Site in salesforce we replicate now only what is visible for site
- now subscriptions wizards use default invoice collation method as setup in Advanced Billing
- fix for price list currencies that were not created correctly after saving subscription in wizard when price was missing before starting wizard
- fix issue with triggers that cause exception when more custom fields mapped
- Salesforce Certified
- fix issue when is not possible to send subscription to Advanced Billing (Advanced Billing return http 500 error) from Opportunity, when invoice type is consolidated and customer is new (not yet send to Advanced Billing)
- fix for issue that was causing unnecessary grouping of new subscriptions (when in salesforce user selected consolidation option “single” but in chargify default setting for who pays was parent)
- fix for custom fields mapping - now we allow to select from up to 200 Advanced Billing custom fields, previously we displayed only first 20
- fix for subscription wizard were values were not correct when merchant use tax in chargify, in summary of preview we have now also column new column TotalTax
- fix for subscription preview where currency was selected not correctly in case merchant use multicurrency, select for opty different currency then default and create preview for account that is not yet send to Advanced Billing
- permission fix for salesforce classic and Manage Groups, Subscription custom field update
- fix for possible error when subscription is created and upgraded by the same opportunity
- button on Opportunity level to activate all subscription previews for opportunity
- new option in configuration under Opportunity section “Enable Upgrade/Downgrade Oppty Amount Difference”. After enabling for upgrades application add to opportunity only difference between current subscription and updated one, (products/components with new previous values are added to opty as negative and products/components with new values are added as positive)
- fix for who pays that was not send correctly when subscription is added to opportunity and then activated
- custom fields integration from SFDC -> Advanced Billing for Subscriptions when mapped field is updated in background (trigger)
- custom fields integration from SFDC -> Advanced Billing for Subscriptions , New button for Subscriptions “Update Custom Fields” that allow editing custom fields in Advanced Billing, after saving changes are applied in SFDC
- we do not allow to add more than one coupon in wizards when coupon is not stackable
- Manage subscription groups - new button “Manage Groups” on Subscription level that allows to create new group or add subscriptions to existing group
- New indexed field for invoices with number without prefix, so it’s possible to search invoices using global search only by number
- additional error handling when custom field mapping is not correct (someone for example removed mapped field)
- fix after 3.48 for permission sets where missing access for users to site lookup for some objects
- invoice refund for consolidated invoices
- new option to not sync trailing customers - after enabling option in configuration new customers without active subscriptions will be not synced to sfdc (other sync options still applicable) - currently when option is enabled we do not support custom fields for customers (development in progress)
- new option to not sync trailing subscriptions - after enabling option in configuration trailing subscriptions and related objects (invoice, transactions, events) will be not synced to sfdc - currently when option is enabled we do not support custom fields for subs (development in progress)
- fix for custom fields integration from new subscription wizard to prevent error when numeric field was mapped
- fix for account integration trigger to prevent sending data to chargify when user uncheck ““Sync to Advanced Billing”” and configuration is “Sync All”
- other changes to improve performance
- allow to select who pays in subscription wizard for new customers when parent account is selected in salesforce
-fixed issue when integration was throwing error that not able to proceed because of batch context when no fields related to integration where updated on Account/Contact level
- use of multi allocation API for subscription upgrade, if upgrade settings are the same for all components all changes will be send with single transaction
- fixed issue when some fields from products where clearout after product was added to opportunity thru subscription wizard
- fix for Account sync status field that was displaying incorrect error message when Sync checkbox was rechecked and site use custom field mapping
- fixed issue when system was reaching callout limit for mass record update when merchant has multiple custom fields and perform mass update of records where custom fields are empty
- Additional attributes for components: Kind, Pricing Scheme
- now all controllers use sharing settings
- when user click button to create subscription from account and contact not exists we check first whether user has permission to create contact and do not allow to proceed if not
- when user click button upgrade opportunity now we check whether user has access to create opportunity if not we do not allow to proceed
- other changes for salesforce security review
- Collapse sections in configurations to make it more readable
- Ability to create Subscription Preview when Opportunity is Closed, this is controlled by new option in Configuration under Opportunity section
- Now we have separation option in configuration for Customers “Do not update Organization Name” that controls whether we copy Account Name to Advanced Billing Organization field, previously coping was disabled when “Do not sync Account Name” was checked
- Two additional attributes for subscriptions: Payment Type and Vault Token
- Mapping of Country and State to Display values from Advanced Billing previously integration was pulling/sending those values to Country/State attributes that contain iso codes when value is updated from Advanced Billing now we use display values that maps back to iso code on Advanced Billing end
- fix for opty trigger, when trigger was throwing error in case close/won validation is enabled and upgrade subscription was added to opty
- preview report changes after review by design team
- button with billing portal link for subscriptions
- generating PDF versions (separate object for PDF versions - Quote PDF-s)
- possibility to store PDF in personal document folder or custom folder to use it later for mailing
- possibility to use customer report for PDF
- possibility to customize report PDF (logo, some text) - site settings
- additional attributes for subscription preview (total amount/discount, recurring amount/discount)
- button for customer approval
- configuration options to enable/disable approvals (global configuration)
- possibility to use manager approval using standard salesforce approval processes (when enabled in configuration we check approval statuses)
- when subscription preview is approved and then edited, wizard show warning that you edit approved record and approval will be lost
- fix for subscription wizard to not display formula when adding of products to opty is disabled
- fix for account/contact trigger to prevent error when more then one record is updated in the same time
- fix for account trigger when person account is enabled and record is type person account status shown incorrectly that contact is missing
- fix/improvements to account/contact trigger to error handling when chargify respond with error (now we capture returned error text)
- fix for account/contact trigger to update sync status on account record when error occur - previously it was not updated
- improvements to Opportunity trigger error handling when opportunity is closed won and subscription preview is not send
- fix for Opportunity trigger that was preventing to close opty when close won and subscription preview was using groups
- fix for Opportunity trigger when opty was closed/won one and subscription preview was using groups it was updated incorrectly to status missing data
- other technical improvements
-Fix for rare case for customer integration to prevent integration failure when account was updated and in the same time integration receive customer that was matched by email to second contact of the same account
- Fix for subscription previews created from Advanced Billing Offer when some components were not added to offer. Now even if component price is zero is still added to the offer, quantity needs to be greater than zero.
- Add ability to disable customer integration when it is triggered in Future or Batch context which causes that exception. Setting that we can change if requested
-Fix for account integration to prevent duplicate customers in case marchant use workflows for account and contact objects -Add user friendly error message to subscription preview when customer is not send because of error
- Fix for product integration in scenario when there is more products system was not saving correctly timestamps what was causing full product/components/coupons sync every cycle
- Fix for perintegration report email notification when report finish to handle situation when merchant disabled email sending for profile or whole org
- Configuration page logo
- Application logo
- new attribute for transactions memo_short, contains memo value limit to 255 characters as this is regular text field marchant will be able to build logic on top of that, if mechant want to use that field, resync of transactions is required
- ui fixes, code refactoring/cleanup, changes how we handle debug for js
- Resync button for sites, now to resync everything you can select for site in configuration option “Resync”, during next sync cycling system will perform again initial sync
- Rematch of subscriptions, invoices, events, transactions not assigned to accounts, to enable it you need to go to configuration and select option “Enable rematch” under customer section. It’s possible also to specify period in no of sync cycles when rematch occur, The record assigned by rematch will have the flag “Assigned by rematch” checked. It’s also possible to exclude subscriptions from this process If we know that those records will never be assigned, records need to be flagged using “Do not rematch” attribute.
- Changes related to Winter release to handle situation when user do not have access
- Activation status for event based component
- fix for customer integration when matching by email and account is person account
- Changes in configuration:
- option to disable conflict resolution for Customer Integration - system will not check whether records in sfdc were updated after chargify
- update to matching options, now we have: Match to Accounts by Reference ID and Contact by Email Match to Contacts and Accounts by Email
- new hyperlink formula field for subscriptions to open subscription in Advanced Billing
- for initial invoice sync system will reject records with issue date older than sync period
- removed from configuration option for Alternative Batch Job processing
- fix for conflict resolution when matching by reference Id - system will not compare sfdc last updated to Advanced Billing
- fix for customer integration that was preventing creation of contact where there was match by reference id
- changes to customer integration match logic:
- when option “Match to Accounts by Reference ID and Contact by Email” is selected system will match by reference and then try to match by email only contacts associated with account matched by reference id this replace option “Match by Reference”
- when option ““Match to Contacts and Accounts by Email”” is selected system will try to find match using email address searching all contacts not related to accounts matched by reference Id this replace option “Match by Email”
- PDF report for subscription previews (Quote)
- New field on Opportunity level (Advanced Billing Created from Upgrade Wizard) that indicates whether opportunity was created from Subscription Upgrade Wizard - merchant will be able to build own logic on that
- Removed ID-s from Transaction, Event name
- Add Gateway Transaction ID and Gateway used to Transactions
- Handle parent account change in SFDC from lookup field
- Filter out components without price points from wizard
- If all coupon codes for particular subscription are longer than 255 characters we cut it off
- Sync of archived products fix
- Handle situation when custom field is unassigned in chargify (we nullify it now in SFDC)
- Sync button on subscription level - it will sync subscription and all related objects (with default overlap of 30 days)
- Net terms in subscription wizards
- Ability to use event based components and activate it
- Ability to use prepaid components and record usage for then during edit
- View of components for particular subscription (visual force page that can be added to layout or Web Component to Lightning Page)
- View of price points for selected product, component (visual force page that can be added to layout or Web Component to Lightning Page)
- Handle for invoice line items and discounts titles longer than 80 characters (we cut off to 80 as this is max length of name field in SFDC)
- Invoice URL button automatically open invoice page
- Select Service button automatically open self service page
- Advanced Billing Customer Id field to subscriptions, events, transactions, invoices
- Improve preintegration report to show also records that system omit when creation is disabled (Operation = none)
- Invoices added attribute consolidation level
- fix for invoice integration to exclude credit notes
- update to permission sets for winter 21 release
- email validation fix
- multicurrency for coupons
- who pays/groups for new subscriptions
- Performance improvements for Account/Contact triggers
- Check when Advanced Billing actions/buttons are clicked whether user has Advanced Billing Permission Set Assigned, Integration is enabled and site is active
- Mapping of archived_at for components (new attribute in API)
- Change in validations for Account:
- allow to populate customer id together with Advanced Billing Site
- do not allow to populate customer id without Advanced Billing Site
- Allow to select bank accounts for subscription wizards
- Coupon management (without multicurrency)
- Coupons - additional attributes (amount, percentage, start date, end date, recurring, duration…, allow negative balance, conversion limit, stackable, compounding_strategy)
- Coupon usage (visual force page that can be added to layout to display coupon usage)
- Coupons - now Advanced Billing API handle is populated with CO_[Product Family Id]_[Coupon code], it can be used if populated for existing records to match sfdc products with coupons
- PreIntegration report
- Improvement for Account,Contact, Product integration regarding field mapping, handling of nulls, email validation
- Subscriptions - additional attributes (credit balance, prepayment balance, reason code, coupon use, On Hold At, Auto Resume At, Offer Id, price point Id, Payer Id)
- Products, Components,Coupons - sync Archived records, attributes(Product family Id, Archived At, Archived, Updated At, Created At)
- Subscriptions - view sales-service url
- Subscriptions - record usage for metered components
- Invoice Actions - refund (consolidated invoices not handled yet)
- Fixes for pop ups inside subscription wizard (searching, layout)
- Other small fixes