Data Sources

This page documents the data sources available for reporting in Advanced Billing Business Intelligence. In the UI, these data sources are prefixed with chargify_bi_ to avoid naming collisions with third-party data.

As you begin exploring your data, it would be helpful to keep to following points in mind:

  • The keen.timestamp is used for all time-related operations when analyzing data. In most cases, this field contains the timestamp for when the event or record was created.
  • We have standardized on storing money amounts in cents. You can use the settings tab to format query results containing money amounts.
  • If your Advanced Billing site operates in multiple currencies, please be mindful to group or filter on currency when analyzing fields containing money amounts.
  • Each field value has been marked as either static or up-to-date. Static data does not change; static fields contain values at the time of record creation. Up-to-date fields maintain current or live values.


In Advanced Billing, a conversion occurs when a trialing or freemium subscription upgrades to a paying product. This data source provides the capability to analyze and segment your historic subscription conversions.

Field Description Value The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
customer.custom_fields The customer’s custom fields. up-to-date The ID of the customer. static The customer’s name. static
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. static
keen.timestamp Timestamp indiciating when the conversion event occurred. static
mrr New MRR earned as a result of the conversion (new_business). static The ID of the subscriber’s product at the time of the event. static The name of the subscriber’s product at the time of the event. static
subscription.activated_at The timestamp for when the subscription was activated. static
subscription.created_at The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
subscription.custom_fields The subscription’s current custom fields. up-to-date The ID of the subscription. static The subscription customer name. static
subscription.renewal_interval The subscriber’s renewal interval. Examples include ‘1_month’ and ‘10_days’. static

Dunning Retries

The Dunning data source provides you the capability to report on your complete dunning history. Each event in this data source represents an attempt to recover a subscription. Dunning retry events are categorized and enriched with Subscription data so that you can analyze your dunning history in ways interesting to you.

Field Description Value
active_dunners_delta This field is used to compute the total number of subscriber in dunning. static
category Categorizes the dunning retry event. Values in this field are one of: “entered_dunning”, “retry”, “recovered”, or “lost”. static
currency The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the subscription. static The name of the customer. static
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. static
entered_dunning_at The timestamp for when the subscription entered dunning. This timestamp is present on all dunning retry events. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the dunning retry event occurred. static The ID of the subscription’s product at the time of the event. static
resolution_duration The amount of time spent attempting to recover the subscription. This value is expressed in seconds. static
resolution_reason The resolution reason. static
revenue_at_risk_delta The incremental amount of revenue at risk contributed by the subscription in context. Note that this value is in cents and can be positive or negative. static The ID of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep. up-to-date The name of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep. up-to-date
subscription.activated_at The timestamp for when the subscritpion was activated. static
subscription.created_at The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
subscription.custom_fields The subscription’s current custom fields. up-to-date The ID of the subscription. static

Invoice Line Items

Metrics around your Invoice Line Items can be built using this data source. In addition to the attributes coming directly from invoices like Invoiced Amount, Due Date, and Line Items, you can also filter and categorize your data by Customer and Subscription Custom Fields and Sales Rep. You can also report on all the details around Unit Price and Tax Amounts.

Field Description Value The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date
coupon_codes A list of coupon codes applied to this invoice line item. static
currency The currency code (ISO 4217 format) associated with the invoice. static
currency_symbol The symbol associated with the currency. static
customer.custom_fields The customer’s current custom fields. up-to-date The ID of the customer. static The name of the customer. up-to-date
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. up-to-date
discount_amount_in_cents The total of any discounts for the line item. static
invoice.due_date The due date of the invoice. static
invoice.issue_date The date that the invoice was issued to the customer. static
invoice.number The number of the Invoice that this line item belongs to. static
invoice.uid The unique identifier of the Invoice that this line item belongs to. static
item_description The description for this line item. static
item_id The item’s unique id within Advanced Billing. static
item_title The line item’s name. static
item_type The line item’s associated prodcut catalog item type, for example, “product”, or “component”. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the invoice was issued. static
kind The line item’s detailed kind, e.g. “quantity_based_component”. static
net_terms The invoice’s net terms. static
payer.customer_id The ID of the paying customer. static The name of the paying customer. static
period_range_end The service period end date. static
period_range_start The service period start date. static
price_point_id The price point ID used to compute the total amount charged for the line item. static
quantity The billed quantity for the line item. static The ID of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep. up-to-date The name of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep. up-to-date
subscription.custom_fields The subscription’s current custom fields. up-to-date The ID of the subscription. static
subtotal_amount_in_cents The subtotal for the line item. static
tax_amount_in_cents The taxed amount (taxable - tax_exempt). static
tax_exempt_amount_in_cents The tax exempt amount. static
taxable_amount_in_cents The original taxable amount for the line item charge. static
total_amount_in_cents The total amount charged for the line item. static
transaction_id The unique transaction ID within Advanced Billing. static
unit_price The price per unit. static

Metered Usage

The Metered Usage data source will hold all of the data coming from your Metered Components. As soon as usage is uploaded to Advanced Billing, it will be available to report in via this data source by Subscription, Component details and Usage Quantities.

Field Description Value
component.handle The handle of the component. static The ID of the component for which the quantity was recorded. static The name of the component. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the event occurred. static The ID of the product that the subscriber was subscribed to at the time of the event. static The name of the product. static The ID for the subscription that the recorded quantity belongs to. static The name of the subscription. static
usage_quantity The usage quantity recorded by this event. static

MRR Movements

In Advanced Billing, an MRR movement records an increase or decrease in a subscriber’s MRR value. The MRR movement amount is the net sum of all line-item expansion and contraction. This data source is also enriched with Subscription metadata such as status, sales rep, custom fields, and address.

Field Description Value The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date
amount The MRR growth amount (either positive or negative) at the time of the event. Please note that this value is stored in cents. static
breakouts.plan.amount The portion of the overall MRR movement amount that comes from recurring “plan” charges: Products, Qty-Based Components, and OnOff Components. static
breakouts.plan.category The MRR movement category pertaining to the plan amount of the MRR movement. static
breakouts.usage.amount The portion of the overall MRR movement amount that comes from usage-based charges: Metered and EventBased Components. static
breakouts.usage.category The MRR movement category pertaining to the usage amount of the MRR movement. static
category The type of MRR movement: new_business, expansion, contraction, reactivation, or churn. static
churn_reason_code The Churn Reason Code. static
currency The currency code (ISO 4217 format) for the MRR movement amount. Please note that MRR is stored in the Site’s configured currency. static
customer.custom_fields The customer’s current custom fields. up-to-date The email address of the customer. up-to-date The ID of the customer. up-to-date
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. up-to-date
customer.reference The unique identifier used within your own application for this customer. up-to-date
customer.vat_number The customer’s VAT number. up-to-date
description An English explanation of the MRR movement. For example, “Delores Quigley increased Widgets to 64 (+47).” static
keen.timestamp Timestamp indiciating when the MRR movement event occurred. static
line_items.component_id The Component ID for the line-item. For Product (or “baseline”) line items, this field will have a value of 0. static
line_items.mrr The total MRR amount contributing to the subscriber’s overall MRR value for the line item, at the time of the MRR event. static
line_items.mrr_movements The MRR movement amount(s) contributing to the overall amount for the given line item. static The name of the line-item. static
line_items.prev_quantity The line-item quantity at the time of the subscriber’s previous MRR movement event. static
line_items.product_id The Product ID for the line-item. static
line_items.quantity The line-item quantity. static
line_items.recurring When true, the line item’s MRR value will contribute to the plan breakout. When false, the line item contributes to the usage breakout. static
mrr The subscriber’s MRR value at the time of the MRR event. static The ID of the subscriber’s product at the time of the event. static The name of the subscriber’s product at the time of the event. static The ID of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep up-to-date The name of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep up-to-date
subscription.activated_at The timestamp for when the subscription was activated. static
subscription.created_at The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
subscription.custom_fields The subscriptions custom fields. up-to-date The ID of the subscription. static
subscription.renewal_interval The subscriber’s renewal interval at the time of the MRR event. For example, ‘1_month’, or ‘10_days’. static
subscription.status The current state of the subscription. Please see the documentation for Subscription States. up-to-date

SaaS Metrics

This data source contains monthly snapshots of key SaaS Metrics. These metrics cannot be filtered, segmented, or grouped within this data source. They are available as historical monthly calculations and up to today for the current month.

Field Description Value
label A description of the month represented, e.g. “June-2020”. static
average_revenue_per_subscriber Total MRR / Total Paid Subscriber Count static
lifetime_value Average Revenue Per Subscriber / Paid Subscriber Churn static
mrr Total MRR static
arr Total MRR * 12 static
currency The site’s configured currency static
breakouts.plan.mrr The portion of total MRR that comes from recurring “plan” charges: Products, Qty-Based Components, and OnOff Components. static
breakouts.plan.arr Plan MRR * 12 static
breakouts.usage.mrr The portion of total MRR that comes from usage-based charges: Metered and EventBased Components. static
breakouts.usage.arr Usage MRR * 12 static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the metrics were calculated. static


The Subscriptions data source will allow you to create metrics based on all the data you manage on subscriptions, including attributes like Renewal Interval, Payment Collection Method and all of the data related to your customers like address data and Custom Fields. This data source also holds calculated Metrics for total MRR and ARR.

Field Description Value
activated_at The timestamp for when the subscription was activated. static The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. up-to-date
created_at The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
currency The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the subscription. static
custom_fields The subscription’s current custom fields. up-to-date
customer.custom_fields The customer’s current custom fields. up-to-date The email address of the customer. up-to-date
customer.full_name The customer’s full name. up-to-date The ID of the customer. up-to-date
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. up-to-date
customer.reference The unique identifier used within your own application for this customer. up-to-date
customer.vat_number The VAT number of the customer. up-to-date
id The ID of the subscription. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
next_assessment_at Timestamp that indicates when capture of payment will be tried or retried. up-to-date
payment_collection_method The payment collection method for the subscription. Automatic or Invoice. static
product.handle The handle of the subscription’s current product. up-to-date The ID of the subscription’s current product. up-to-date
product.price_point_handle The handle of the subscription’s current product price point. up-to-date
product.price_point_id The ID of the subscription’s current product price point. up-to-date
renewal_interval The subscriber’s renewal interval. Examples include ‘1_month’ and ‘10_days’. up-to-date
saas_metrics.arr The subscription’s current ARR value (MRR * 12). up-to-date
saas_metrics.breakouts.plan.arr The portion of the subscription’s ARR value that comes from “plan” revenue: Products, Qty-Based Components, and OnOff Components. up-to-date
saas_metrics.breakouts.plan.mrr The portion of the subscription’s MRR value that comes from “plan” revenue: Products, Qty-Based Components, and OnOff Components. up-to-date
saas_metrics.breakouts.usage.arr The portion of the subscription’s ARR value that comes from usage revenue: Metered Components and EventBased Components. up-to-date
saas_metrics.breakouts.usage.mrr The portion of the subscription’s MRR value that comes from usage revenue: Metered Components and EventBased Components. up-to-date
saas_metrics.mrr The subscription’s current MRR value. up-to-date
saas_metrics.potential_conversion_mrr Displays the potential MRR that will be realized when the subscription converts from trialing to active. Please note that the potential MRR amount in captured at trial signup. The value in this field does not change upon trial conversion or trial cancellation. static The ID of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep. up-to-date The name of the subscriber’s assigned Sales Rep. up-to-date
status The current state of the subscription. Please see the documentation for Subscription States. up-to-date
subscription_group.primary Displays True when this subscription is the primary member of it’s subscription group. up-to-date
subscription_group.primary_subscription_id The ID of the subscription group’s primary subscription of which this subscription is a member. up-to-date
subscription_group.uid The UID of the subscription group of which this subscription is a member. It will be empty if the subscription does not belong to a group. up-to-date

Subscription Renewals

This data source captures subscription renewal events. Each time a subscription is processed, either at signup or regular renewal, a subscription renewal event is recorded to capture the details of the renewal. Use this data source to analyze your subscription renewal performance.

Field Description Value The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The ID of the customer. static
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the renewal event occurred. static
keen.uniqueness_token static  
payment.amount_in_cents The total payment amount associated with the renewal event. This amount in displayed in cents and relates to the subscription’s configured currency. static
payment.gateway_used The payment gateway used. static
payment.success Indicates whether or not the attempted payment associated with the event was successful or not. static
payment.transaction_type The type of payment associated with the renewal event. static
product.handle The handle of the subscription’s product at the time of the event. static The ID of the subscription’s product at the time of the event. static
product.price_point_handle The handle of the subscription’s product price point at the time of the event. static
product.price_point_id The ID of the subscription’s product price point at the time of the event. static
renewal_type Describes the renewal event type. One of “signup_success”, “signup_failure”, “renewal_success”, “renewal_failure” static
subscription.activated_at The timestamp for when the subscription was activated_at. static
subscription.created_at The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
subscription.currency The currency code (ISO 4217 format) of the subscription. static
subscription.current_period_ends_at The timestamp for the subscription’s current billing period end. static
subscription.current_period_started_at The timestamp for the subscription’s current billing period start. static The ID of the subscription associated with this renewal event. static
subscription.payment_collection_method The subscription’s payment collection method at the time of the event. static
subscription.renewal_interval The subscriber’s renewal interval. Examples include ‘1_month’ and ‘10_days’. static
subscription.status The subscription status at the time of the event. static


Use this data source to analyze your payment history. This data source contains payment records.

Field Description Value The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
amount_in_cents The amount in cents for the payment. static
currency The currency is which the payment occurred. static
customer.custom_fields The customer’s custom fields. static The email address of the customer. static The ID of the customer. static
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. static
customer.vat_number The customer’s VAT number. static
id The ID of the payment. static
invoice.consolidation_level The consolidation level of the associated invoice. static
invoice.number The number of the associated invoice. static
invoice.uid The unique identifier for the associated invoice. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the payment was created. static
memo A note about the payment. static
payment_type The type of the payment associated with this transaction (credit_card, bank_account) static
prepayment Is true when this payment is a prepayment. static
product.accounting_code The product family accounting code (has no bearing in Advanced Billing, may be used within your app) static
product.handle The handle of the product purchased. static The ID of the product purchased. static
product.price_point_handle The subscription’s assigned price point handle when the payment occurred. static
product.price_point_id The subscription’s assigned price point ID when the payment occurred. static
product.tax_code The product tax code. static
subscription.custom_fields The subscription’s custom fields. static The ID of the subscription. static
subscription.locale The subscription’s locale. static
subscription.status The status of the subscription at the time of the payment. static
success Is true when this payment is successful. static
test Is true when payment was created in test mode. static


Use this data source to analyze your refund history. This data source contains refund records.

Field Description Value The city portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The country portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
address.state The state portion of the payment-profile billing address. static The zip portion of the payment-profile billing address. static
amount_in_cents The amount in cents for the refund. static
currency The currency is which the refund occurred. static
customer.custom_fields The customer’s custom fields. static The email address of the customer. static The ID of the customer. static
customer.organization The customer’s company/organization name. static
customer.vat_number The customer’s VAT number. static
id The ID of the refund. static
invoice.consolidation_level The consolidation level of the associated invoice. static
invoice.number The number of the associated invoice. static
invoice.uid The unique identifier for the associated invoice. static
keen.timestamp The timestamp for when the refund was created. static
kind The refund kind. static
memo A note about the refund. static
origin_payment_id The ID of the payment that this refund is associated with. static
product.handle The handle of the product purchased. static The ID of the product purchased. static
product.price_point_handle The subscription’s assigned price point handle when the refund occurred. static
product.price_point_id The subscription’s assigned price point ID when the refund occurred. static
refund_type The type of the refund associated with this transaction (credit_card, bank_account) static
subscription.activated_at The timestamp for when the subscription was activated. static
subscription.created_at The timestamp for when the subscription was created. static
subscription.custom_fields The subscription’s custom fields. static The ID of the subscription. static
subscription.locale The subscription’s locale. static
subscription.status The status of the subscription at the time of the refund. static
success Is true when this transaction is successful. static
test Is true when refund was created in test mode. static
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