Stripe SEPA, BACS, and BECS Direct Debit

Stripe SEPA, BACS, and BECS Direct Debit are payment methods available in the Stripe platform that allows Advanced Billing merchants to easily collect Direct Debit payments in different currencies. Your subscriber may easily add existing banking information to seamlessly pay for products and services. 

Type Currency
BACS British Pound
BECS Australian Dollar



  • We allow merchants using Relationship Invoicing to use Stripe SEPA, BACS, or BECS Direct Debit
  • Stripe SEPA, BACS, or BECS Direct Debit is available only on sites with enabled multi-gateway support
  • Stripe SEPA, BACS, or BECS Direct Debit may not be used with Advanced Billing sites that use the legacy invoices/statements functionality.
  • Stripe SEPA Direct Debit supports only the Euro currency (SEPA is an acronym from the words
  • Single Euro Payments Area). Stripe BECS Direct Debit supports only the Australian Dollar currency.
  • Bank accounts may not be created from within the admin UI, including when manually creating a subscription.
    • This is because the customer must view and confirm the details of their mandate, which is not possible if another individual is entering the information for them.
    • When creating a subscription manually, a workaround is to sign the customer up on a free trial or with a future billing date so they can enter their bank account information after signup.

Stripe SEPA, BACS, or BECS Direct Debit Setup

To begin using Stripe SEPA, BACS, or BECS Direct Debit in your Advanced Billing site, go to “Config” -> “Payment Gateway” for your site. Setting up the connection between Advanced Billing and Stripe is easy and secure thanks to Stripe’s OAuth feature. All that’s required is that you enter your email address and password and we’ll handle the rest.

Step 1 - click the "Add gateway" button.

Step 2 - select the "Stripe" from the list of available gateways and click the "Continue" button.

Step 3 - click the "Connect" button.


Step 4 - fill in "Gateway Handle" and select accepted payment types, then click the "Save" button.

Step 5 - you will be redirected to Stripe, login with your account, or create a new one.

Step 6 - after you properly login to your Stripe account you will be redirected back to Advanced Billing.

Step 7 - After returning back from the Stripe site you will see a blue circle with a white check mark, now you can click the "Continue" button.

Step 8 - select which payment method you want to associate with which gateway.

Step 9 - gateway is now configured and ready to use.

Specific Workflows

Now that your Advanced Billing site is connected to Stripe, it’s time to start accepting subscriptions that contain SEPA, BACS, or BECS Direct Debit information as a payment method. We’re going to review two ways to create subscriptions with bank account information as payment via Stripe. All workflows will follow the same path:

  1. Create a subscription to a product in Advanced Billing
  2. Provide contact information
  3. Include IBAN as the payment method (SEPA Direct Debit)
  4. Include Sort Code and Account Number as the payment method (BACS Direct Debit)
  5. Include BSB and Account Number as the payment method (BECS Direct Debit)
  6. Confirm the mandate for the current subscription
  7. View on-screen receipt for subscription or be redirected to a thank you page

Test IBAN account numbers (SEPA)

  • DE89370400440532013000 The charge status transitions from pending to succeeded.
  • DE62370400440532013001 The charge status transitions from pending to failed.

More test IBAN account numbers for different countries.

Test account numbers (BACS)

  • Sort Code: 108800, Account Number: 00012345 The charge status transitions from pending to succeeded.
  • Sort Code: 108800, Account Number: 22222227 The charge status transitions from pending to failed.

More test account numbers for various scenarios

Test account numbers (BECS)

  • BSB: 000000, Account Number: 000123456 The charge status transitions from pending to succeeded.
  • BSB: 000000, Account Number: 111111113 The charge status transitions from pending to failed.

More test account numbers for various scenarios

Public Signup Page Flow

Using Stripe to accept payments via Public Signup Pages with SEPA or BECS Direct Debit is extremely straightforward. Your subscriber will provide the following steps when they purchase a product:

  1. Customer-based information
  2. Complete billing information, include IBAN (SEPA) or BSB and Account Number (BECS)

Once a subscriber selects Place my order, they will be asked to confirm the Direct Debit mandate. The subscriber must agree to the mandate in order to complete the purchase.

  • SEPA
Confirm purchase within Public Signup Page

Agree to Direct Deposit mandate

Receipt page

  • BECS
Confirm purchase within Public Signup Page

Agree to Direct Deposit mandate

Receipt page

From here, all recurring payments will be processed via the payment method provided at signup. Subscribers will have the option to update their card via Self-Signup Pages, which we’ll discuss below.

Self Service Page Flow

Occasionally your subscriber will need to update their payment method. They can do this easily using a Self-Service Page. If you’re unfamiliar with how Self-Service pages work, we recommend reviewing an overview on how these pages function.

When an existing subscriber visits a Self-Service Page, they will be provided the option to enter a new bank account.

  • SEPA
Example Self-Service Page

Once they enter valid information, they will confirm the mandate for the new payment method associated with the subscription.

Confirm mandate for new payment method

  • BECS
Example Self-Service Page

Once they enter valid information, they will confirm the mandate for the new payment method associated with the subscription.

Confirm mandate for new payment method

For the Multi Gateway feature, the customer can change their Payment Profile to a different payment method if one is set. The only restriction to that is when a Direct Debit payment is still pending. Until it is resolved, the customer can only change their Payment Profile to another Direct Debit Account.


There are three new webhooks in Advanced Billing that are related to payments status change:

  • direct_debit_payment_pending - this webhook is sent when payment was created in Stripe (payment is waiting for being processes)
  • direct_debit_payment_paid_out - this webhook is sent when payment was successfully processed in Stripe
  • direct_debit_payment_rejected - this webhook is sent when payment was rejected in Stripe (e.g. insufficient funds on the customer account)

For more information about webhooks see our Webhooks Reference

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