
The below Out-of-the-Box Metrics can be downloaded and added to your list of Saved Metrics. They will allow you to start analyzing your data in different categories. You can also edit these metrics to suit your needs by adding filters, adding grouping or changing the time frame.


Total MRR

This metric gives you total MRR (sum of all MRR movements) as of today based on the products and components on active subscriptions.

Calculation: Sum(MRR as of Today)

Considerations: The time interval can only be as of today. It cannot be changed to be interval based.

Total MRR Growth

Total change in MRR in the given month. This includes all products, on/off components, and quantity-based components with any related coupon discounting. Changes from metered usage components, one time fees, or startup fees are excluded.

Calculation: New Business MRR + Expansion MRR - Contraction MRR - Churn MRR + Reactivation MRR

Total ARR

Total ARR as of today based on the products and components used by all active subscriptions.

Calculation: Sum(ARR as of today)

Total ARR Growth

Total change in ARR in the given month. This includes all products, on/off components, and quantity-based components with any related coupon discounting. Changes from metered usage components, one time fees, or startup fees are excluded.

Calculation: (New Business MRR + Expansion MRR - Contraction MRR - Churn MRR + Reactivation MRR) x 12

Potential Conversion MRR

Total potential MRR for subscriptions that are trialing and have not converted

Calculation: Sum(Potential MRR)

Install Base MRR Growth

Total MRR lost from churn (canceling or expiring subscriptions) and contraction (downgrades) plus gained from expansion (upgrades) and reactivation (cancelled accounts that come back).

Calculation: (Churn MRR + Contraction MRR) + (Expansion MRR + Reactivation MRR)

Total MRR (Past Due)

Total MRR for subscriptions in the past due state.

Calculation: Sum(Past Due MRR)

MRR Movements: $MRR, Week over Week

Total MRR movements for the current week and a rate of change week-over-week

Calculation 1: Sum(MRR movements this 7 days)

Calculation 2: Sum(MRR movements this 7 days) / Sum(MRR movements last 7 days)


Trial to Paid Conversion

Total subscriptions that convert to a paid subscription from a free or trialing subscription

Calculation: Count(Trial to Paid Conversions)

Trial to Paid Conversion MRR

Total MRR from subscriptions that convert to a paid subscription from a free or trialing subscription

Calculation: Sum(Trial to Paid Conversion MRR)

Churn & Contraction

Gross MRR Loss

Total MRR lost from both churn (canceling or expiring subscriptions) and contraction (downgrades). Does not include usage contraction.

Calculation: Churn MRR + Contraction MRR

Net MRR Churn

Total MRR lost from churn (canceling or expiring subscriptions) plus gained reactivation (cancelled accounts that come back).

Calculation: Churn MRR + Reactivation MRR

Net MRR Loss

Total MRR lost from churn (canceling or expiring subscriptions) and contraction (downgrades) plus gained from reactivation (cancelled accounts that come back). Does not include usage contraction.

Calculation: (Churn MRR + Contraction MRR) + Reactivation MRR


Dunning Monthly

Total customers who are actively in dunning

Calculation: Sum(active_dunners_delta) AND (category="recovered" OR category="entered_dunning")

Total Amount Invoiced Recovered

Total amount invoiced minus tax at risk recovered through the dunning process.

Calculation: Sum(Amount at Risk) AND Status = Recovered

Total Amount Invoiced At Risk

Total amount invoiced minus tax at risk currently in the dunning process

Calculation: Sum(Amount at Risk)


Average Revenue per User

Average monthly recurring revenue generated per paying subscriber.

Calculation: Total MRR / Paid Subscriber Count

Subscriber 1 total MRR: $30
Subscriber 2 total MRR: $50
Subscriber 3 total MRR: $100
Subscriber 4 total MRR: $0
ARPU = $180 / 3 = $60

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Total amount a subscription will spend on your product or service before churning.

Calculation: ARPU / Paid Subscriber Churn

May ARPU: $60
May Paid Subscriber Churn: Churn Count / Start-of-Period Subscriber Count = 2 / 20 = 0.1%
LTV = $60 / 0.1 = $600

Total Renewals

Total subscription renewals categorized by renewal month

Calculation = Count(Renewals)

Total Subscriptions by Status

Total subscriptions for the last 2 years, categorized by status

Calculation: Count_unique(Subscription IDs)

Payments & Refunds

Refunds issued

Total refunded amount categorized by payment_type and currency

Calculation: Sum(Amount refunded)

Total Amount Paid by Payment Type

Total amount paid categorized by payment method

Calculation: Sum(Amount Paid)


Total Usage Growth

Total change in revenue coming from metered usage-based components in the given month. This does not include activity from one-time fees or startup fees.

Calculation: Sum(Usage Revenue)

Usage quantity by component

Total usage quantity for metered usage components categorized by component

Calculation: Sum(usage_quantity)

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