Components allow you to introduce additional “line items” to your products that are often expressed as “add-ons”, upsold features, or pay-per-use items.
Components are defined at the product family level, and are therefore available to all products within the family.
Components & Product Families
How Components work within Subscriptions
Recurring period for components
All components follow the same recurring period as the product that your subscriber has purchased. For example, if you have a Subscriber that has purchased a product that has a recurring period of 1 month, the component applied to that Subscription will be charged every month.
This also applies to products that are annual, as well. If you have a product that has a recurring period of 12 months, charges for the component will be assessed annually as well.
Trial periods and components
Please pay close attention to when you add your components to a subscription. The moment when you add a component to a subscription can result in two different behaviours outlined below:
If product has trial, components added at time of signup are not charged. These will be charged at the time of the renewal. This will be the product cost + component cost.
If the component allocation is done during the trial period, after signup, the charges assessed will follow the pricing scheme is selected with the component allocation like normal.
Applying Proration and Recording Components
Once a component has been defined for a product family, any subscription to a product within that family may have usage or allocation data reported in order to assess charges for them at the end of the period.
Proration and it’s full affects on subscriptions is covered in full detail here.
Display on Public Signup Pages
To display a component on a particular Public Signup Page, you must configure this on the individual signup page itself. For more information please see our article here.
The function to display a component on a Public Signup Page has now moved to the individual Public Signup Page. It was formerly an option to display a component on a particular component, but has since been relocated.
Suppress Service Dates on Invoices
This option allows you to choose on a per component basis if the service date range for a component should be included in the invoice line items. By default a component will be created with the option not selected and it will show the date range.
Selecting this option will hide the date range for this component on invoice line items.
Here is an example of when the option is enabled for a component:
This shows how the date range will not be included on invoice line items