Term and Evergreen Subscription Options

As described in this article, the main difference between a Term and Evergreen Subscription is that a Term Subscription has an expiration date and an Evergreen Subscription does not (and therefore can be canceled at any time). Actually, when it comes to creating or updating Subscriptions, both have plenty of options in common.

Options for Creating Subscriptions

Billing Date

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Bill Immediately Yes Yes
Calendar Billing Yes Yes
Awaiting Signup Billing Yes Yes
Net Terms Yes Yes

Subscription Product and Component

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Setup Fee Yes Yes
Multifrequency Items Yes Yes
Term/Expiration Date Not Applicable Yes
Net Payment Terms Yes Yes
Custom Fields Yes Yes
Coupons Yes Yes
Free Trial/Free Time Yes Not Applicable
Tax Included in Price Yes *
Quantity-Based Components Yes Yes
Toggle On/Off Components (Flat Fee) Yes Yes
Metered Components (Usage) Yes Yes
One-time Components Yes Yes
Prepaid Components Yes *
Events-Based Components Yes *
Parent-Child Hierarchy Yes *

* Future Feature

Payment Method

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Remittance Yes Yes
Credit Card Yes Yes
ACH Yes Yes
Works with Maxio Payments Yes Yes
Works with Third-party Gateway Integrations Yes Yes


Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Currency Definitive Price Yes Yes
Currency Real-time Conversion Yes Not Applicable

Through Other Applications

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Maxio Signup Pages Yes Yes
Customer Developed Signup Pages Yes Yes
Salesforce Yes Yes
HubSpot Yes Yes

* Future Feature

Options for Updating Subscriptions

Subscription Update

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Cancel a Subscription Immediately Yes Yes
Cancel a Subscription at End of Period Yes *
Issue/Deduct Service Credits on a Subscription Yes Yes
Automated Subscription Dunning Yes Yes
Exempt from Dunning Yes Yes
Apply a Prepayment to a Subscription Yes Yes
Put a Subscription On Hold and Resume Yes Not Applicable
Change the Next Billing Date Yes Not Applicable
Reactivate a Canceled Subscription - Resume Current Period Yes Yes
Reactivate a Canceled Subscription - Start New Billing Period Yes Not Applicable
Change the Subscription Expiration Date Not Applicable *
Add a Term Date to an Existing Subscription Not Applicable *

* Future Feature

Invoice Update

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
View Current and Past Due Invoices in Advanced Billing Yes Yes
Record a Payment against an Invoice in Advanced Billing Yes Yes
View Current and Past Due Invoices in Billing Portal Yes Yes
Record a Payment against an Invoice in Billing Portal Yes Yes
View Future Invoices in Maxio Platform Not Applicable Yes
Create and View Pro Forma Invoices Yes *

* Future Feature

Product and Component Update

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Change the Product on a Subscription Yes Yes
Change the Product and Not Preserve Period (Billing Day) Yes Not Applicable
Change the Product to One with a Different Billing Frequency Yes *
Upgrade/Downgrade the Product on a Subscription Yes Yes
Upgrade/Downgrade the Product on a Subscription to a Different Billing Frequency Yes *
Upgrade/Downgrade the Product and not Preserve Period (Billing Day) Yes Not Applicable
Add a Component to a Subscription Yes Yes
Remove a Component from a Subscription Yes Yes
Change a Component Price Point Yes Yes
Change the Quality of a Component on a Subscription Yes Yes

* Future Feature

Through CRM Integration

Option Evergreen Subscription Term Subscription
Salesforce Yes Yes
HubSpot Yes Yes

* Future Feature

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