Advanced Google Analytics Configuration

Add Google Analytics cross-domain tracking, goals, conversion rate funnels, and eCommerce tracking to Advanced Billing to increase your reporting capabilities.

This is an advanced module. Please proceed with caution.

Please be aware that this article is related to Advanced Billing's integration with Google Analytics. You can learn more about this integration by checking out this help article: Google Analytics Overview.

Common User Flows for Cross-Domain

Use Google Analytics to track your visitors as they move from your website to Advanced Billing.

  • Your website -> Advanced Billing’s Public Signup Pages –> Advanced Billing’s receipt pages
  • Your website -> Advanced Billing’s Public Signup Pages –> Your website’s Thank You page
  • Advanced Billing’s Public Signup Pages –> Your website’s Thank You page

Get your Google Analytics Tracking Code

  1. In Google Analytics, click “Admin” on the top menu
  2. Under the PROPERTY column, click “Tracking Info”, and then Click “Tracking Code”.
  3. Your Tracking ID will appear as UA-XXXXXXX-Y.
Tip: This ID will be used in several future steps and it MUST be correctly used for your integration to work. Below is an example tracking ID, yours will be different.

Example tracking ID for familiarity


Create a New Property

This step is needed to utilize cross domain tracking. Use the image below to guide you through this step:

  1. In Google Analytics, click the Admin gear
  2. Choose your proper ACCOUNT
  3. Click “Create Property” (Note: You must have admin access in your Google Analytics account to create a new property.)
  4. Choose “Website”
  5. Enter “Advanced Billing” as the website name
  6. Choose “https” and enter “” (this purposely does not include your Advanced Billing subdomain).
  7. Choose Industry Category - “Other”
  8. Choose your Reporting Time Zone
  9. Click “Get Tracking ID”
  10. You’re done. You do NOT need to take any further steps with the new tracking ID or tracking code that appears.

If you need help, read Google’s documentation on How to set up a property.

Set up a new property


Define a Goal and Create A Sales Funnel

  1. Inside Google Analytics, click the Admin gear
  2. Under the PROPERTY section, select the correct property that matches the UA-XXXXXXX-Y tracking ID that you obtained in “Get your Google Analytics tracking code”
  3. Be sure your VIEW is set to “All Website Data”. Then, under the VIEW column, click “Goals”.
  4. Click “New Goal”
  5. Under Goal setup, choose “Custom” and click “Continue”
  6. Name your goal
  7. Skip “Goal Slot ID”
  8. Under Type, choose “Destination”
  9. Click “Continue”.
Set up a new goal

Goal setup overview

If you are using Advanced Billing receipt pages, continue to on to the section below If you are using your own Thank You page on your website, continue to the next section, Your own thank you page..

Advanced Billing Receipt Pages

If you do not use your Advanced Billing’s receipt pages and instead you use your own Thank You pages, skip to section 2.2.

Do not include your domain name. If your funnel step URL is "", only write "(/home.html)".
  1. In the “Goal details” section, under “Destination”, choose “Regular expression” (Regex) from the dropdown menu and enter the following Regex code:
    • .*\/subscribe\/.*\/show
  2. Leave value set to OFF (this allows for eCommerce tracking in a later section)
  3. Turn Funnel ON
    • This particular example below uses (/home.html) because our example “buy now” page is at
    • You will need to convert your page(s) into the proper regex by finding a unique string in your URL (such as /home.html) and converting it into regex by placing it between parenthesis.

      Enter a name for step 1 of the funnel, and enter the screen/page. This page will be the first page in your funnel. If you only want to count conversion rates for customers who begin on this step of the funnel, check “required”. All screen/page links must be written in regular expression. To make one of your URLs compatible with regular expression, place it inside parenthesis.

  4. Enter any other steps of the funnel that occur prior to the Advanced Billing Public Signup Page. Make sure each is in regex form.
  5. Enter the Advanced Billing Public Signup Page as the last funnel step using the following regex.


Do not include the Advanced Billing receipt page as the last funnel step. The last step should be the Advanced Billing Public Signup Page, as you have already defined your destination as the Advanced Billing receipt page.
  1. (Optional) Click “Verify this Goal” - This will only test the receipt page conversion rate within the last 7 days. It does not include the funnel steps.
  2. Click “Save”
Goal details steps summarized

Your own Thank You Page

If you have already completed the section on Advanced Billing Receipt Pages, and you do not use your own Thank You pages, you can skip this section.

Your own "Thank you" page setup
  1. In the “Goal details” section, under “Destination”:
    • choose “Regular expression” (Regex) from the dropdown menu and enter your Thank You page destination.
    • For example, if your Thank You page URL is “” you should enter “(/my-thank-you-page.html)”.
    • The parenthesis are needed to make your partial URL compatible with Regex.
  2. Leave value set to OFF (this allows for eCommerce tracking in a later section)
  3. Turn funnel ON
  4. Enter a name for step 1 of the funnel, and enter the screen/page. This page will be the first page in your funnel. If you only want to count conversion rates for customers who begin on this step of the funnel, check “required”. All screen/page links must be written in regular expression. To make one of your URLs compatible with regex, place it inside parenthesis.
    • This particular example below uses (/home.html) because our example “buy now” page is at
    • You will need to convert your page(s) into the proper regex by finding a unique string in your URL (such as /home.html) and converting it into regex by placing it between parenthesis.
    • Do not include your domain name. If your funnel step URL is “”, only write “(/home.html)”.


  5. Enter any other steps of the funnel that occur prior to the Advanced Billing Public Signup Page. Make sure each is in regex form.
  6. Enter the Advanced Billing Public Signup Page as the last funnel step using the following regex:
    • (/subscribe/)
  7. Do not include your Thank You page as the last funnel step. The last step should be the Advanced Billing Public Signup Page, as you have already defined your destination as your Thank You page.
    • (/subscribe/)
  8. (Optional) Click “Verify this Goal” - This will only test your Thank You page conversion rate within the last 7 days. It does not include the funnel steps.
  9. Click “Save.”

Enable E-commerce in Your Google Analytics Reports

  1. Inside Google Analytics, click “Admin” on the top menu
  2. Under the PROPERTY section, select the correct property that matches the UA-XXXXXXX-Y tracking ID that you obtained in the earlier step.
  3. Be sure your VIEW is set to “All Website Data”. Then, under the VIEW column, click “Ecommerce Settings”.
  4. Toggle Enable Ecommerce Status ON
  5. Leave Enable Related Products OFF
  6. Click “Next step”
  7. (Optional) Toggle Enhanced Ecommerce Settings ON. (In this article, we will opt to leave Enhanced Ecommerce Settings OFF)
  8. Click “Submit”
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