If an invoice has been issued for which you no longer want or expect to receive payment, you may void the invoice. You may do this if the invoice contains a mistake or if you simply want to forgive the amount due.
The “Void Invoice” link is found in the “More Options” dropdown when viewing an invoice. This link will only appear for invoices that are eligible to be voided. To be eligible, an invoice must be open.
You’ll be prompted to give a reason for voiding the invoice to confirm your intention.
Invoices without any payments are voided by setting the status to “Voided”. These invoices will not be included in any revenue metrics and will no longer be eligible for payment.
Invoices that already have a partial payment may also have their remainder amount due voided - however, in this case a credit note in the amount of the remainder will be generated and applied to the invoice. The invoice will then appear as “Paid”.
For sites using subscription groups (Customer Hierarchies & WhoPays), it is also important to note that:
- when a consolidated invoice is voided, all of the individual segments which make up the invoice will also be voided
- when an individual segment invoice is voided, it will no longer appear on the original consolidated invoice and will instead be included on a new voided consolidated invoice for the group