Adyen Gateway Setup Guide

To signup for an Adyen account, please visit Adyen.

Username, Password and Merchant Account

To connect to Adyen Advanced Billing requires a Username (associated with the web services account), the password for that account, and the overall Merchant Account you want to connect to. More information below:

Username: Format is ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount] and should be automatically created on account creation.

Password: Generate a new password/user 

Merchant Account: You can have multiple.

See the Adyen documentation for more information.


Adyen requires certain permissions/roles to enabled on an account before it can process recurring payments. Please reach out to Adyen support to enable the following:

  1. “PCI Payments permission”, this should be enabled for the Web Services account you are using for your “Username”
  2. “Store Token” role must also be enabled, this allows for the tokenization process to happen when a card is stored


For recurring payments Adyen requires both the token stored for the payment profile and a Shopper Reference. Advanced Billing will automatically create the reference when storing the payment profile, it will be in the following format: – so if the payment profile is for the customer who has an id of 1234, the shopper_reference will be chargify_1234.

This will show on each recurring transaction in Adyen and we store it in customer_vault_token on the Payment Profile in Advanced Billing.


Please contact Adyen for more details.


For full information on currency and merchant location support, please view our payment gateway overview page.

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