Create Coupons

Summary - Create a Coupon

You Need
Access to your company's price book

1. Create New Coupon



2. Setup Coupon Details


Field Description
Internal Name Required A name for the coupon that will not be displayed to the customer. Will be used to identify the coupon internally.
Coupon Code Required A code that a customer can use to redeem this coupon. Additional codes can be created after the creation of the current coupon. 
Description Required A description of the coupon that can be displayed to customers in transactions and on statements.


3. Setup Discount Configuration


Options Description
Discount Required  The amount is taken off of the price. Can be in either percentage or flat amounts
Limit Discount If there is a flat amount for discount, there may be leftover credit unused. Choose whether to allow that credit to carry over or limit it to the current charge.


4. Setup Advanced Options


Field Description
Is This Coupon Stackable? Choose whether or not the coupon can be used with other coupons.
Recurring Discount? Choose whether the coupon will be applied only once, indefinitely, or over the course of a time period.
Mid period allocation discount behavior Choose whether the coupon can be used mid-period or if it will be applied to the next invoice.
Cancel at the end of period discount behavior Choose whether the discount will be applied at the end of a period of cancelation. 
Expired subscription final period usage discount behavior Choose whether the coupon can be applied to an expired subscription with left over usage that still needs payment. 
Expiration Date Set a date for the coupon to expire and can no longer be used. Leave blank if it can be used indefinitely.
Conversion Limit Set the number of times each coupon code can be used before expiring.
Product / Component Restrictions Select which products and/or components can be discounted with this coupon. 


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